Tag Archives: Format

7 Ways To Avoid Crashing Long Documents in MS Word

If you use Microsoft Word to write lengthy documents, you may have experienced crashes, slow performance, or file corruption. These issues are especially common in documents exceeding 100 pages. Below are seven detailed tips to help you maintain the stability and performance of your long Word documents.

How to Write Abstracts – Part 1

I had planned to call this article ‘The Nine-Step Strategy for Writing Summaries That Intrigue Readers’ but had a second look. It’s a bit long. And as this article is about writing headlines, summaries and abstracts, well… Let’s stick to the plan.

“An abstract highlights the key points you want your reader to remember after they’ve read your document.“

How to Structure a Small Business Action Plan (Excel templates)

If you run a small business, you’re forever alert to a better way to juggle the thousand and one tasks that make up your work week. And there’s no shortcut here. As every scenario is unique, you need to investigate which tools, hacks, or frameworks work best for you.
So, with this in mind, I decided to re-examine how I run my business. Right down to the nitty gritty.

How to Fix Corrupt MS Word Files

If your MS Word document becomes corrupt, follow these steps to fix it. Open the document in Microsoft Word. Cut and paste the images to a new file. WARNING: DON’T SAVE THE FILE YET! In Word, select File, Save As HTML.Name the file with an HTML extension, e.g. Proposal.html and then Exit Word. Re-open Word. […]

MS Word: How To Put Chapter Title In the Header or Footer

One way to make your Microsoft Word documents more professional is to use the Header and Footers to include information that helps the reader. Today, I’ll show you how to add some useful information to the header/footer areas.

A simple example is to include the Document Name or Chapter title in the footer. This helps the reader if they print out the document and also gives me a better sense of what they’re reading.

How to Insert the Document Name in MS Word Header/Footer (using Document Properties)

Last week I showed you how to add a Chapter Heading to your Microsoft Word documents. The nice thing about this is that it shows the reader where they are in the document at any give time. That works great for long documents, such as Business Plans, where the reader may have hundreds of pages to read through. But, what if you only want to show the document title in the footer?

How to Recover an Earlier Version of a Document if MS Word Crashes

In this tutorial, we look at how to recover a document if MS Word crashes unexpectedly. Did you know that Word makes versions of your documents? It does. Why? So that when things go bananas you can go back to one of these old versions and start again. Isn’t that handy? How to Recover an […]

10 Ways to Improve Your Business Proposal Format

Proposal Format. Your Business Proposal should match the Request For Proposal guidelines and include a three-page executive summary. This applies to proposals to Government, Research, Sales and Construction Proposals. How do I format my Business Proposal? If the Government agency’s Request For Proposal does not provide guidelines, then format your proposal as follows:

Why grammar is (probably) not your problem

Know the difference between affect and effect? Or where to use that but not which? Or when to use which but not with a comma before it? I know. MS Word forbids it. But can expect from a bot? Anyway… You could fill several multi-story car parks with people who — or is it that? […]