Tag Archives: video

How to Find Missing Styles in Microsoft Word

During a recent training course for a Fintech client on document formatting, I showed everyone how to create, edit, and apply styles. The aim was to show the Marketing team (spread across different offices) how to setup a solid template they could share with the rest of the firm to ensure the fonts, theme, layout, and messaging was consistent across all comms.
However, just as we were about to close the call, one of the team suddenly pinged me. Her new styles were gone! She was super upset as you can imagine as she’d spent a few hours crafting the styles and was delighted with the result. So, what happened?
It’s sometimes hard to determine exactly why Word behaves in a certain way. In this case, why it suddenly decided to ‘hide’ the styles. However, there usually are ways to revert and recover the work you’ve done. If this happens to you, take a look at the following video.

How to Fix Safe Mode in MS Word

If you can’t open MS Word, or if it does open but then closes automatically, it usually means the template is corrupt or one of the add-ins is causing a conflict. Other times, Word will open but says it’s in Safe mode. Obviously, this is fine to see the document but to get any work done we need the standard product.
As mentioned, this issue is often related to an add-in or template. Let’s look at how to fix this.

How to Use Master Documents to Organize Large MS Word Documents

One of the most popular articles on Klariti, and also on our YouTube channel, is how to create master documents. As this came up on a recent training course, I thought I’d go over the basics of how to create a master document, some of the benefits it offers, and how I use it to manage large documentation projects, such as responding to RFPs.
While it does take some effort, and a bit of planning, to setup the documents (and its sub-docs), once you have a template in place, you can modify it for future projects. Personally, I find it much easier to use than tools like Scrivener. You also have the extra bonus of having all your material is one location and don’t have to import/export/reformat text and images between tools. Ok, so let’s get started.

How to Fix Copy and Paste of Images in MS Word

SJ from Montreal asked us on Twitter why she couldn’t paste a picture into a new MS Word document.

She had just added workflow diagrams to an SOP document which the Compliance Team had requested. However, when she pasted the images into Word, none of the diagrams appeared. This can be very frustrating, especially when you’re under a deadline and you become the bottleneck getting the document out. In this case, SJ pinged us and we were able to fix it over a few messages.

VIDEO – What is a Business Case?

A business case is a document used to justify investment in a proposed project. Definition: A Business Case is used to get management commitment & approval for investment in business change programs. ogc.gov.uk VIDEO – What is a Business Case? In this video, we look at how to write a business case, three areas you need […]

[VIDEO] What is an Acceptance Test Plan?

An Acceptance Test Plan is performed by software testers to determine if the software meets the customer’s requirements, that is, it is ready for the customer to accept the software into their environment. An Acceptance Test Plan (ATP) describes the acceptance testing process, such as the features to be tested, pass/fail criteria, approach to testing, […]

Video: How to Add Currency Symbols in MS Word (Tutorial)

Here are three ways to insert currency symbols in Microsoft Word: the Symbol dialog box, Alt codes, and shortcut keys. Video: How to Add Currency Symbols in MS Word (Tutorial) Insert Euro, Pound, and Cent Signs from the Symbol Dialog Box Follow these steps: Place your cursor where the symbol should appear. Select the Insert […]

VIDEO: How To Count the Total Number of Words in a MS Word Document

Here’s how to count words in Microsoft Word. Follow the steps in this video to get the word count in a MS Word document. Applies To: Word 2016 Word 2013 Word 2010 Word 2007 MS Word counts the number of words in your document as you type. The count is displayed at the end of the page in […]

Video: What is a B2B White Paper?

Summary: A white paper is a short document that discusses a technical, business, or operational problem and provides a specific solution. In general, it’s written for decision makers, and will use non-technical business English.  Video: What is a White Paper? In this video Ivan explains how to write your first white paper. If you have […]