Category Archives: Business Analysis Templates

NEW – Business Architecture Document Template (MS Word)

If you’re involved in the developing the business case for a new project or looking for funding for a new product, you might find this template useful.
Use this 27-page MS Word Business Architecture Document template to serve as a blueprint outlining the structure, components, relationships, and processes of your organization’s business architecture. This MS Word template provides a detailed understanding of how your business operates, its objectives, strategies, functions, and capabilities.

How to Write a Business Case (with sample MS Template)

Hi, it’s Sean here at Klariti. if you’re looking for a detailed business case template, this MS Word document will get you up and running. It includes pre-populated sections you use adopt for your project and writing guidelines to walk you through the document.

What’s the Difference Between Business Architecture and IT Architecture?

If you’re new to IT, especially business analysis, it’s easy to confuse the two.
After working in both business and technical roles, I’ve observed the interactions between business architecture and IT architecture.
For me, business architecture focuses on aligning an organization’s strategic goals, processes, and capabilities with its overall vision.

How to Decompose Atomic Requirements into Better User Stories

When coaching product managers, I help them identify complex requirements and decompose them into atomic requirements. That is, requirements which cannot be decomposed any further. As it’s not unusual for newly minted product managers to blend multiple requirements into a single user story, I’ll prepare a checklist which they can refer to when drafting their requirements.

If you work in an Agile or Scrum environment, you might find the ‘flexible’ nature of the sprint/epic/releases can undermine your project estimates. If that’s the case, consider using the following guidelines to identify atomic requirements, which you can then convert into easier to estimate user stories.

Using Google Gemini to streamline the Software Requirements Specifications Writing Process

Writing business requirements? This guide shows you how AI (Google Gemini) can help draft, write, and review your SRS docs. Don’t worry, it won’t replace you, but save time, improve quality, and free you for strategic tasks.