Category Archives: Training Plan Templates

How to Improve Training Plan Videos with Captions & Subtitles

One way to make your training videos more compelling is to use captions. Why captions? Captions keep the reader focused, reinforce your key points and give the viewer a second way to digest your material. While watching your video, they can read along. Two for the price of one! Here’s how to do it in […]

Zen and the Art of Training Plan Maintenance

Ever planned to run a 1ok mini-marathon? Good intentions, right? One part says Yes. Another says… No. There’s always that little voice in your head going, “Can’t we do it later? Just a little while? Pur-lease!” For me, I like the idea of training, but making the actual effort can be different. Corporate training is […]

How to Get Meaningful Feedback After Training

What’s your reaction when you’re asked to give feedback? I expect it’s that unpleasant feeling when you feel obliged to do something, but would rather not. Most of us don’t like giving feedback. Somehow there is a negative element associated with it. However, we need feedback. Others need it too. Giving it to others helps […]

Is Your Training Plan Broken?

If you’ve seen Denzel Washington in Training Day, you’ll know that his training methods, while effective, are not the most orthodox. In the movie, Denzel is assigned to train a rookie and, for various reasons all of which make sense later, puts him through a series of challenges. Training Plan Day: what’s the point? One […]