Category Archives: Social Media

How to Write a Social Media Policy – Part 2

Social media policies create a dilemma for HR. Should it be part of the Employee Handbook or created as a standalone document? As someone who writes social media policies for a living, I’m inclined to recommend the latter. Cross-reference it from the Employee Handbook, so it’s easier to manage as a separate document. Of course, […]

4 Ways Twitter Can Improve Your Writing Skills

Can Twitter really, really make you a better writer? It’s just texts, right? I avoided Twitter when it first came out. It seemed trite. Silly. I had better things to do. But… something gnawed away at me. Maybe I was the one missing the point. Worse, maybe I was missing out on business leads, sales […]

How to Write a Social Media Policy – Part 1

The Soci­ety for New Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Research Best Prac­tices com­mit­tee has spent a year research­ing cor­po­rate social media poli­cies. The project included gath­er­ing case stud­ies on com­pa­nies’ blog­ging pol­icy devel­op­ment and imple­men­ta­tion for com­pa­nies man­ag­ing inter­nal and exter­nal cor­po­rate blogs and other forms of social media. From this research, the com­mit­tee devel­oped a set of SNCR-endorsed best prac­tices. We now present these 27 best prac­tices and poli­cies for devel­op­ing and imple­ment­ing cor­po­rate blog­ging poli­cies and guidelines.

19 Twitter Tips From Tom Peters

You know Tom Peters? The guy who writes all those best-selling business books? I’ve been following him on Twitter for a few months and, as they say, you learn for the best. I’ve looked at how he uses Twitter and try to blend that into the approach I use. And it seems to work. Download […]