Category Archives: Web Writing

10 (More) Writing Guidelines for SaaS Applications

Your product has to compete with an increasing number of rivals. When you do land a prospective customer, make sure that the instructions are easy to follow, relevant, and unambiguous. Let’s look at two examples from Apple and Microsoft’s guidelines for web writing.

How to Write Better Search Engine “Sorry, No Results” Webpages

In this web writing tutorial, we look at how to improve the text displayed when a search engine returns no results. In other words, we are going to write content that will help the user find the content on your website by suggestion how they can improve their search query, alternative methods to search the […]

How to make Matt Cutts fall in love with your blog

Put yourself in Matt Cutts’ shoes. When people click Search, you give them the best results. How do you decide what really is the best? Understanding this is the key to creating content – not just text – for Google. It’s after quality. Yes, I know, there are exceptions to the rule but after blogging […]