Tag Archives: Example

How to Write Abstracts – Part 1

I had planned to call this article ‘The Nine-Step Strategy for Writing Summaries That Intrigue Readers’ but had a second look. It’s a bit long. And as this article is about writing headlines, summaries and abstracts, well… Let’s stick to the plan.

“An abstract highlights the key points you want your reader to remember after they’ve read your document.“

How to Write B2B Case Studies

This article presents a framework to write compelling case studies using ChatGPT. Since the initial draft of this document, ChatGPT and other LLMs have arrived. These offer a sophisticated toolkit to improve different aspects of your writing. If you’re interested in learning more about this, I’d encourage you read the following ChatGPT and Google Gemini tutorials on Klariti.

10 Ways to Improve Your Business Proposal Format

Proposal Format. Your Business Proposal should match the Request For Proposal guidelines and include a three-page executive summary. This applies to proposals to Government, Research, Sales and Construction Proposals. How do I format my Business Proposal? If the Government agency’s Request For Proposal does not provide guidelines, then format your proposal as follows:

10 Step Guide to Better Business Writing

Look at how Hemingway does it. His writing style is crisp, direct and engaging. All the signs of a great writer. Look at how he makes long sentences short, mundane subjects interesting, and clips along at a nice pace. And without ever losing the thread. Business writers can use these techniques to improve business plans, […]

S.P.E.E.D. Writing – 37 Ways to Increase Your Business Writing Productivity

technical-writer-ivan-walsh-chinaWorking in China means more business and less technical writing, especially proposal development, web marketing case studies and white papers. As some friends I hang out with on LinkedIn are also moving into biz writing, I thought I’d add a few tips here. While there is some overlap with technical writing, it does require a different mindset, for example, to understand the emotional drivers that persuade customers to accept or reject business proposals.

Business Process Design Tutorial – Part 1

At the end of the workshop, our client confessed, ‘I didn’t know our business worked like that’.

We’d moved onsite and over three months mapped out the processes in his Finance, Sales and Operations Depts. For me, one of the most rewarding aspects of Business Analysis is discovering how a business works and then mapping it out in Visio.

Case Study: Guidelines on Length, Font & Format

Most case studies are between two-or-three pages and in the range of 500-900 words, although some tend to run longer. Try to aim for three pages, and include one large graphic per page. Anything more than this and it begins to feel like hard sell advertising; case studies adopt a more subtle soft-sell approach. Energy […]

Case Study: How to Start Writing

Case studies and white papers are very effective tool to promote the benefit of a product or services. Case studies are the first most popular device used to promote the business. If you are planning to write a case study this passage will help you to understand more about this kind of writing.