Tag Archives: Action Plan

12 Step Action Plan to Future-proof your IT Job from AI

Creating an action plan to protect your career from AI’s impact is crucial as it transforms the IT industry, specifically roles which will be party or fully automated. In this tutorial, I’ll look at the types of roles most at risk and the steps you can take to 1) protect your job and 2) find ways to capitalize on this opportunity.

9 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Your First Business

In 1996, I downloaded Netscape Navigator 2.0 and got on the web. It was incredible. If you weren’t there, it’s hard to explain the sheer excitement of getting your first AOL account, dialing up to go online, waiting for your first page to slowly download, and then going WOW!

The first day I went online—it was a lovely Sunday, I still remember it—I stayed online for 7 hours straight. I was transfixed. The world outside melted into the background. Hook, line and sinker. I was pulled in.

Project Manager’s Dilemma: Soft Deadlines v Hard Deadlines?

In the fairy tale, The Boy who cried Wolf, the villagers stopped believing the child. There was no wolf, they thought which was true until one day… The same thing occurs when you – or someone above you – creates an artificial deadline. I’m looking at a report that says we have a hard deadline […]

The One Surprising Benefit of a Daily Action Plan (Excel templates)

I’m not the type of person that likes to plan, but I do see the benefit. Taking f.a.t., for example. It’s really hard to get rid of. Try as I might it just won’t budge. Actually, that’s not totally true. If I create a goal, stick to it, and measure my success, the pounds do […]

The Lazy Man’s Guide to Action Plans

If you have never written an Action Plan before, you want to know, how do I get started, what needs to go into the Action Plan, and can you show me some samples? In this series of tutorials, I will help you define your Action Plan; give examples to download; show you how to format your MS Word templates.