Monthly Archives: September 2016

Jane Austen – My Favorite Quotes

Maybe you think Jane Austen is hard to read. She’s not. Here’s an example of her writing. Most are from Persuasion. “Let us never underestimate the power of a well-written letter.” “I hate to hear you talk about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rational creatures. None of us want to be […]

How Students Can Overcome Writer’s Block For Exams

Summary: Writer’s Block is a result of poor planning and feeling overwhelmed as a result. Here’s how to overcome writer’s block and ensure your success in exams. If you find yourself struggling to write your term paper, prepare a report, or some other writing assignment, the following might help. Here’s the problem. When we think […]

Should CEOs learn Latin?

Should you learn a dead language? Isn’t there more important things to do? The short answer is Yes. Well, maybe. Actually, No. You really should start learning Latin and here’s why. The Spectator summarising one influential American study carried out in the state of Iowa: “In 1971, more than 4,000 fourth-, fifth- and sixth-grade pupils of […]

How to Start a Career as a White Paper Writer

Want to get started as a white paper writer? It mightn’t be as hard as you think. If you have good (not necessarily perfect) writing skills, in-depth knowledge of a product, service, or industry, and have the right attitude, then maybe you should consider writing white papers to earn extra income. Due to the recession […]

How to improve the subject line of an email

First, think of the response you want from the reader. Second, put the most important point at the start. Third, highlight one thing only. The problem with most subject lines in emails is that they’re written either: As a placeholder, something to put in while you write the actual email After the email is written […]

Are good business writers made or born?

If you’re reading this, you’re probably thinking… made. Why do I say this? Because if you are a ‘born writer’, and have written from a very early age as most do, you’d feel  that most writers are born, not made. You either have it or you don’t. But it this true? I hate to say it […]