The silent killer of project success? Mismatched expectations. You think you’re on the same page, but the dreaded “That’s not what I was expecting…” reveals a difference in assumptions.
Tag Archives: Marketing
Wouldn’t it be nice if your marketing plan aligned with other department’s activities?
One of the reasons it’s so hard to implement a marketing plan is that what you’re trying to do may clash with other dept activities, schedules, and deliverables. This often happens when there is a dependency on the software or product development team.
One way to resolve this is to map both plans, see where they align, and what gaps need to be filled. Here’s how to do it!
This article presents a framework to write compelling case studies using ChatGPT. Since the initial draft of this document, ChatGPT and other LLMs have arrived. These offer a sophisticated toolkit to improve different aspects of your writing. If you’re interested in learning more about this, I’d encourage you read the following ChatGPT and Google Gemini tutorials on Klariti.
In this Klariti tutorial, we look at how to write, review, design and improve your datasheets.
Use this Excel template to track customer referrals. Download Excel template Download: Customer Referrals File format: Excel.xlsx How to use the Excel template Enter values in each of the cells. Right-click on the chart. Refresh the data. Template Contents For each employee, capture the following: Customer Name Your company’s product Customer contact name Customer Phone […]
First, think of the response you want from the reader. Second, put the most important point at the start. Third, highlight one thing only. The problem with most subject lines in emails is that they’re written either: As a placeholder, something to put in while you write the actual email After the email is written […]
If you use Netflix, you’ll be familiar with the way it tries to anticipate your interests and suggest movies according to your previous viewing patterns. What’s interesting here is that it’s quite good at it. After using it for a few months, Netflix has started to suggest movies that, reluctant though I am to admit […]
While we teach our kids to be respectable when in school, we then encourage them to tear the opposition asunder when they play sports. Getting the right balance between competition and aggression is very difficult. I see this with team leads who try to bully others into working harder (ironically, these targets are usually the workhorses) and with sales people who try to intimidate others into buying products.
When it comes to social media, many business’ are interested in ROI. Having a team of people (or even one depending on the size of the company) can take away hours/hour of the day they could be spending on other tasks. This means it needs to be worth that time for business owners to jump onboard.
How Would You Re-Define BMW’s Innovation Philosophy? How do you define innovation? Graham Horton has translated BMW’s definition of innovation for those who don’t speak German. I (used to) speak a little German and hope to get the original translation from Graham.