Tag Archives: Marketing Plan

3 Types of Audience Analysis: Demographic v Analysis v Knowledge

How can you create a business if you’ve never met your customers? DOWNLOAD – The Audience Analysis Template includes a 30-page MS Word template and an MS Excel spreadsheet with 130 entries. Use this template to learn more about the target audience for your projects and what they want to achieve, for example, visit your website or buy your product. Instant […]

Using Buyer Personas to Drive Ecommerce Sales

If you plan to build an e-commerce site, conducting Audience Analysis will allow you to create personas around which you can then build content. Personas as designed using the information you gathered during market research activities. DOWNLOAD Audience Analysis Templates Instant Download – Only $9.99! Worksheets include 130 points you can use to capture demographic date Audience Analysis Template […]

9 Market Research Tutorials [MS Word/ExcelTemplates]

This is a 10 part series on creating Market Research Plans. Market Research Planning 101 Why Develop a Market Research Plan? Where’s the benefit? The 3 Key Ingredients in Every Market Research Plan Market Research For Small Business Owners Remember Pink iMacs? What Jose Mourinho Taught Me About Market Research Kickstart your Market Research Rocket […]

7 Market Research Tactics, Tools & Templates

In this tutorial we look at the seven stages of market research planning and share MS Word and Excel templates for Market Research. You can then use these forms, checklists, surveys, and questionnaires to complete the seven stages in the Market Research process: Stage 1 – Why You Need a Market Research Plan Stage 2 […]

How to Write a Sales Page For B2B Products

How do you describe your product to a new customer? As part of your marketing plan, you need to consider how to present your products to attract potential customers and also generate repeat business for your current customer base. Over the coming weeks, we will look at how to develop a product from scratch, define […]

How to Start a Career as a White Paper Writer

Want to get started as a white paper writer? It mightn’t be as hard as you think. If you have good (not necessarily perfect) writing skills, in-depth knowledge of a product, service, or industry, and have the right attitude, then maybe you should consider writing white papers to earn extra income. Due to the recession […]

[Tutorial] How to Write Software Product Brochures

What are the three documents most potential customers wants to read? I’d say it’s white papers, case studies, and product brochures. The first sets the scene, the second shows you how it works, and the third… this tells you how and why it works. Of the three, product brochures are the least sexy. But they’re […]