Tag Archives: Technical Writing

How to Start Writing API Technical Documentation (with templates)

API documentation template

Let’s say you’ve been asked to document a set of APIs, a new area for you. Where do you start? At first this can seem overwhelming. So many new acronyms, terms, jargon, and pieces to fit together. Here’s a suggested approach. DOWNLOAD API Reference Documentation Template Get API Reference Documentation Template If your company develops APIs, […]

How to Compare Two Versions of a MS Word Document (with Screenshots)

In this tutorial we show how to compare two versions of the same Word document so we can see what changes were made to each document. After comparing the documents, Word shows the differences with revision marks. Knowing how to compare documents can be very useful, for example, when reviewing documents submitted by different writers. Quite […]

MadCap Flare: How to Add An Image to the About Box

In this MadCap Flare technical writing tutorial, we’ll look at how to add an image to the About box in the output window. When you click the icon, your image is displayed in the corner. A nice touch and a way to highlight your brand. At Klariti, we use MadCap Flare (and Word) to write technical documents. […]

MadCap Flare: How to Create Your First Project

In this MadCap Flare tutorial, we’ll look at how to start a technical writing project. Here, at Klariti, we use MadCap Flare to write technical documentation for our clients. Contact us if we can help. Download 15 Technical Writing templates to write technical documents faster MadCap Flare: How to Create Your First Project There’s different ways […]

How to Create an Index in MS Word [Beginner’s Tutorial]

In this tutorial, we look at how to create an index in MS Word. We also explain how to prepare your Word document before you start indexing, the correct way to index items, how to delete an index entry, and how to update the index after you have made changes. Ok, let’s start. So, you’ve […]

MadCap Flare: Displaying Navigation Links in WebHelp Standalone Topics

In this MadCap Flare technical writing tutorial, we look at how to add a navigation link to the top or bottom of topics in HTML5, WebHelp, WebHelp AIR, or WebHelp Plus outputs. This link is not displayed unless the output topic is opened as a standalone. If you click the link, you can view the […]

How to Create an Index for Technical Documents (With Screenshots)

Is an index old fashioned? With everything on the web, do you even need an index? The first thing. Not everything’s on the web. The second: What’s not on the web often needs an index to direct the reader to relevant content. The third: A good index makes good content even better. It won’t save poor writing […]

How Many Hours Per Week Do Technical Writers Spend Writing?

How much time do you spend writing every week? Remember, you have 37.5 hours (I know!) for technical writing every week, but how much is actually spent writing? When I say writing I actually mean developing content, so this includes illustrations, diagrams, publishing etc – whatever goes into the final deliverable.