Tag Archives: Editing

Creating a Bespoke Style Guide for Your Business Using AI

In the following article, I’ll outline the process of defining, writing, and sharing your style guide. These steps can be adapted to most large language models (LLMs). Subsequent articles will go into the specific elements and structure of an effective style guide.

4 Business Writing Tips for Non-Native English Speakers

Non-native English speakers often face significant hurdles when communicating when they move to English speaking countries, such as the US or UK. These challenges can include navigating language nuances, cultural expectations in written communication, and industry-specific jargon.

1 Minute Writing Tips – How to Edit a Technical Document (with AI)

When writing technical documents, especially those that have gone through multiple revisions, what you initially set out to write and what appears in the review document may differ. In addition, you’re probably fatigued from wordsmithing the text and want to move on to something else. Nonetheless, as your name is on the document, it’s critical that you can stand by what you’ve written.
So, let’s look at how to review a technical document. Before I start, it’s assumed you’ve spellchecked the text, checked your sources, and so forth.

How to Compare Two Versions of a MS Word Document (with Screenshots)

In this tutorial we show how to compare two versions of the same Word document so we can see what changes were made to each document. After comparing the documents, Word shows the differences with revision marks. Knowing how to compare documents can be very useful, for example, when reviewing documents submitted by different writers. Quite […]

How to Write Abstracts – Part 3

Looking for abstract writing guidelines? In this tutorial, we look at how you can write better abstracts for business and technical documents. Learn more about this Business Plan template Here are some guidelines to get you started: One idea per paragraph – keep to one idea per paragraph. This keeps the reader oriented. It also […]

10-Point Checklist For Headline Writing

Looking for headline writing tips that will capture attention immediately and force readers to stop in their tracks? Who doesn’t? What exactly are headlines? What purpose do they serve? Headlines are the ‘ad’ for what’s about to follow. Its purpose is to tease the reader into clicking or reading more. If your headline fails, no one […]

How to Proofread when Totally Knackered at 1 am

I’ll be finished by nine, you tell yourself. After that, maybe a bit of Netflix. That’s at 7.30. Then someone comes over. “Just popped over for a minute.” You put the kettle on. 8.45 they’re still there. “I hate to be rude”, you stammer, “but there’s this report thingy…” It’s a bit awkward but they […]

[Checklist] Document Reviews

Use this checklist to review business, medical, or technical documentation. It is recommended to review the document for start to finish for each item on this list, instead of reviewing all items as you go through the document. In other words, check that all images are correct throughout the document. Fix any errors. Then go […]

How to edit that report when pressed for time

In this tutorial we look at how to edit any document. Before we start: what does it mean to edit a business document? Most people think an edit means: Spellchecking for typos How it looks and feels Grammar (sometimes) Creating a checklist  Instead, create a checklist and review different aspects of the document one by […]

How to move from (Amateur) Blogging to (Professional) Writing

It seems snobbish, doesn’t it? Dividing people into different categories. On one side, formally-educated writers; on the other, dynamic bloggers breaking down the old rules. So, which one is best? Writer v Bloggers: Which One Are You? Let’s flip this around. In reality, neither are ‘best.’ They both offer different types of services. However, I […]

4 Writing Tactics from Desperate Housewives (+ Audience Analysis template)

Can one hour with Eva Longoria really make you a better business writer? I guess it all depends on the angle you take. Here’s what I mean. Let’s say you feel a little bit guilty when watching your favorite TV show. You can’t help wondering if there is ANY way you could apply what’s happening […]