Monthly Archives: March 2010

5 Ways to Finetune your Project Plan

Every Project Director demands a crystal-clear plan for their project. How should you develop this programme? Should it be made in the same way each time? At what phase will dependencies, baselines and actuals be recorded? To show the answers to these usually asked questions, read on…

How to Create Your First Social Media Marketing Campaign

When implementing any type of marketing campaign it is wise to first take a step back and decide how to develop your campaign. Many companies are have made the executive decision to go forward with social media—they just aren’t so sure what to do.

How To Make Friday Your Busiest Day

Friday is my busiest day. Most folks power down and go into weekend mode. Not here! Ask yourself, ‘why do I go down a gear on Friday?’, ‘How does this benefit my career?’ Ok, let’s be honest. We do this because others do it. Right? This is a high-risk way to manage your career. You’re letting others determine how you behave. And it damages your career in many, many ways. Here’s an alternative approach.

Facebook v LinkedIn For Lead Generation

I’ve started to use my social networks more strategically rather than adopting a ‘shotgun approach’. In other words, I try to leverage each site by seeing the opportunities it offers and then using these. Recently, I’ve started to shift away from Facebook and moved to LinkedIn.

20 Case Study Writing Tutorials

Twenty articles to get you started with your case study writing. It’s all here. Case Study methodology, SWOT, grounded theory, interviewing SME, Media Kit, Marketing Plans, how to promote your products and services, raise its market profile, and construct, format, design and publish your document.

How to Write Short Case Studies to Generate Leads

Marketing is about credibility. The more people trust your brand, the more likely they’ll buy your products. Seems true, right? One way to increase the credibility of your marketing is to let satisfied customers ‘promote’ your products for you. Case studies are ideal for this. You can use them as stand-alone advertising tools or embed them into your media kit to increase their lead-generating power.