Tag Archives: Linkedin

How to Use LinkedIn To Find Contract Work

Of the three main social media sites, which one gives you the best return? Well, I’ve had some reservations about LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com/in/ivanwalsh) and didn’t join up until last year. Most of the folks I spoke to didn’t seem to get much return from it and looked elsewhere, mostly Facebook. I should add that most of […]

Facebook v LinkedIn For Lead Generation

I’ve started to use my social networks more strategically rather than adopting a ‘shotgun approach’. In other words, I try to leverage each site by seeing the opportunities it offers and then using these. Recently, I’ve started to shift away from Facebook and moved to LinkedIn.

Why Don’t People Respect the Efforts I Make?

Do you feel loved? Many of us feel unloved and under-valued. We feel we don’t get the respect we deserve. I hear this on LinkedIn and Facebook: “people don’t respect the efforts I make”. Well, if that’s the case, here are a few ways to get more respect and move into a more rewarding career.