Category Archives: Tips

MS Word: How to Create Vertical Text

Today on Klariti, we’re going to look at how to position your text vertically in MS Word.

According to Microsoft Support, “Text boxes and most shapes can include text in them. The text can be positioned horizontally or vertically, and it can appear on one line or wrap to multiple lines. You can change the direction of the text, and you can also change the margins of text boxes and shapes for optimal spacing, or resize shapes for a better text fit.”

So, let’s look at how to do this.

How to Fix the Most Common Table of Contents Error in MS Word

Here’s how to fix the following error in Word when trying to open the Table of Contents. The error message is: { TOCO “2-4″H Z T “HEADING 1,1”} The problem is usually to do with Field Codes. Here’s a few suggestions. In Word, go to Tools > Options > View tab and click off Field Codes […]

7 Ways To Avoid Crashing Long Documents in MS Word

If you use MS Word to write documents, you might find the following tips helpful. I use Word to write documents up to 200 pages, even longer, and have managed to keep the document in good shape by following guidelines. Formatting — avoid cutting/pasting material directly from one file into another as this brings unwanted […]

How to write ‘engaging’ content for Government blogs

Summary: Writing for the web is very different from what you learn in school. The rules about grammar, structure, format, and narrative often don’t apply. In this tutorial we identify best practices on how you can improve your web writing, especially if you write for a company, corporate, or government agency. The University of Chicago “Most […]

Avoid Retyping Data into Word documents from Excel

Digital Trends offer a Financial Reporting Toolkit’s Formula Builder for MS Word. This add-in program that makes it easy to create formulas in Microsoft Word. Formula Builder walks you through the steps of building a formula. Click on the cell address you want in your formula and Formula Builder automatically determines the cell address for you. […]

10 Steps to Successful Bids

Business Owner’s Toolkit outlines the ten steps involved in making successful bids. “Although we are presenting the actions you need to take in a step-by-step fashion, it does not mean that they need to be done one at a time. They can be done simultaneously or in a different order, depending on your circumstances.” […]