Tag Archives: Requirements

How to Decompose Atomic Requirements into Better User Stories

When coaching product managers, I help them identify complex requirements and decompose them into atomic requirements. That is, requirements which cannot be decomposed any further. As it’s not unusual for newly minted product managers to blend multiple requirements into a single user story, I’ll prepare a checklist which they can refer to when drafting their requirements.

If you work in an Agile or Scrum environment, you might find the ‘flexible’ nature of the sprint/epic/releases can undermine your project estimates. If that’s the case, consider using the following guidelines to identify atomic requirements, which you can then convert into easier to estimate user stories.

Using Google Gemini to streamline the Software Requirements Specifications Writing Process

Writing business requirements? This guide shows you how AI (Google Gemini) can help draft, write, and review your SRS docs. Don’t worry, it won’t replace you, but save time, improve quality, and free you for strategic tasks.

Change Control Log – Excel Template – Software Testing

Software testing Change Control log. Track changes, including impact on scope, cost and time during your software testing project. Use this excel log file in conjunction with the Change Request form (see below). In this template, the Priority column dynamically changes to show you which software change requests (SCRs) are high priority. You can also filter by approved, evaluation, […]

Writing Requirements: Will v Shall v May

When writing requirements or technical documentation, when should you use Will or Shall? Does it make any difference which term you use? Yes. Writing Requirements: Will v Shall v May Let’s look at when you use each. Will indicates intention. “I will fix this PC” (you intend to) “Shall” indicates obligation. It’s close to a […]

How to Write Better Business Processes Designs (with Visio template samples)

Business process design covers many areas. It involves understanding requirements, both the business and functional, the ability to interview different subject matters experts, then write the narrative explaining how the process currently works (as is) and could work (to be). [Learn more about these Process Design MS Word templates here] Furthermore, it requires visual design […]

10 Proven Proposal Writing Tactics

Writing a business proposal for the first time can be difficult. To make this easier we’ve compiled this list of ten writing strategies for developing your next sales, government or research proposal.

Business Process Design Tutorial – Part 1

At the end of the workshop, our client confessed, ‘I didn’t know our business worked like that’.

We’d moved onsite and over three months mapped out the processes in his Finance, Sales and Operations Depts. For me, one of the most rewarding aspects of Business Analysis is discovering how a business works and then mapping it out in Visio.