Tag Archives: Excel

New: Cost Management Plan Templates

This week at Klariti we’re releasing a new set of Cost Management Plan templates. Each section in the MS Word template contains explanatory writing guidelines and sample text to help you get started. In addition to this, we have a new Explainer Guide which explains how to setup and configure the MS Excel spreadsheets. I […]

Using Excel to Organize Acquisition Plans for Startups

Last week I was talking to Laura, a supply chain expert working in Singapore, about an acquisition project she’s involved in. Essentially, she was tasked with helping it expand its operations. They need to quickly acquire new hardware and software for both the existing staff (about 60) and new employees soon to be onboarded (~25). […]

10 Step Disaster Recovery Plan

Where to start if you have to create a disaster recovery plan from scratch? We recommend that clients identify the most important items first – that is, what must be recovered – then look at how to recover the other assets you’ll need to get up and running. In this tutorial, we’re going to look […]

4 Social Media Policies For Small Business

Now that business and Social Media are getting closer, we need to find ways to introduce Social Media policies so that employees understand what is expected of them when working on sites like Facebook and Twitter. 4 Social Media Policy guidelines To get your Social Media guidelines in place, follow these steps: These are four guidelines to […]