Monthly Archives: March 2014

How to increase your productivity when surfing the web

If I could show you how one small tweak change improve your future earnings, health, and happiness, would you be interested? Who wouldn’t, right? It’s to do with active and passive surfing. The way you surf online affects your long-term objectives. For example, if I read one article from Harvard Business Review every day, and […]

3-part formula for better business writing

Before you put your hands on the keyboard and start typing, ask yourself: Specific – what’s the one thing I want this person to understand? Response – what’s the response I want from this person? Incentive – what incentive can I give this person to reply as fast as possible? #1 What’s the one thing […]

How to write ‘engaging’ content for Government blogs

Summary: Writing for the web is very different from what you learn in school. The rules about grammar, structure, format, and narrative often don’t apply. In this tutorial we identify best practices on how you can improve your web writing, especially if you write for a company, corporate, or government agency. The University of Chicago “Most […]

Why Social Media Makes You Less Creative

Here’s the problem. Imitation is in our DNA. You look at successful people, see how they dress, cut their hair, eat, travel, and try to copy them. The thinking is that if you replicate their actions – the ones that appear to have made them successful – you’re likely to be successful too. Doesn’t work, […]