Tag Archives: Business Writing

Facebook v LinkedIn For Lead Generation

I’ve started to use my social networks more strategically rather than adopting a ‘shotgun approach’. In other words, I try to leverage each site by seeing the opportunities it offers and then using these. Recently, I’ve started to shift away from Facebook and moved to LinkedIn.

2 Ways to Outsell Your Fiercest Competitor

Doyle Slayton gives two tips to keep you winning against your fiercest competitor. Remember what makes you different and why is that better? And then create opportunity around your competitor’s weakness? ‘There is no room to be timid.  Be professionally aggressive and crush the competition!” Do you think this is true? 2 Ways to Outsell […]

Have you taken the 2 Minute Isenberg Entrepreneur Test?

Daniel Isenberg on HarvardBusiness.org asks if you should you join the millions of people who take the plunge and start their first ventures? He believes that there is a ‘gut level “fit” for people who are potential entrepreneurs.’Internal drivers that compel people to create their own business. To demonstrate this he’s developed a 2–minute Isenberg […]