11 MS Word 365 short-cuts when writing on an iPhone/Android

Sean here from Klariti! Not sure about you but I find I’m writing on my phone a lot more than ever. Not only that but finding ways to sync up my work writing across multiple devices is becoming more of a challenge. And, of course, there’s so many tools out there. Which do you use?

For personal writing, such as my sci-fi books, I use Bear and if I don’t have the energy to actually type, I talk to Otter which converts it to text. It’s the best one out there is for looking for quality voice transcriptions imo.

However, for business activities, such as collaborating on proposals, case studies or white papers, I’m still very much in the Microsoft ecosystem. So are most all of my clients, even those who use Apple. As an aside, is anyone using iWork Pages anymore? It’s a real shame it never took off as it has some lovely features. If you do, let me know. And why?

Recently, I upgraded to Office 365 and downloaded all the apps to my phone (haven’t tried the iPad yet) so I can close the loop between writing docs on my PC and when away from the office.

Getting MS Word setup on my phone is fairly straightforward though there were a few ‘got-cha’s’ along the way. Ping me if you have any problems getting setup, btw.

So, with that said, I’d made some short video tutorials last night and uploaded them to YouTube. Most are fairly self-explanatory but a few others you might find interesting, especially if you’re switching between Print and Mobile view to review documents.

Here’s the first eleven:

Note – These short-cuts should also work on Android. If they don’t ping me on X.

So, that’s it for now. Next week I plan to do more advanced writing and reviewing using Word on my phone.

How about you? What’s your experience of writing on your phone?

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