Author Archives: Alan Thompson

The (real) purpose of meetings is

To remove obstacles. It’s not: to get status updates (that’s what status update reports are for), brainstorm ideas (that should be in workshops) or wait for others. The last one is important because it happens so often, we tend to get used to it. My approach to meetings changed after I stared working with a […]

4 Writing Tactics from Desperate Housewives (+ Audience Analysis template)

Can one hour with Eva Longoria really make you a better business writer? I guess it all depends on the angle you take. Here’s what I mean. Let’s say you feel a little bit guilty when watching your favorite TV show. You can’t help wondering if there is ANY way you could apply what’s happening […]

7 Proofreading Tips for Business Blogs

Writing is easy. Editing is hard. Affect v effect. It’s so easy to get it wrong if you’re not paying attention. One’s a noun, the other a verb. That sounds simple, doesn’t it. Of course, there are exceptions as well and if you’re not paying attention… Let’s look at how to proofread a business blog […]

3 Project Management Tips from… Hamlet

Can you see Hamlet as a project manager? Try… Keep trying… Ok, let’s ignore that he was a prince, Danish, and saw ghosts, at least for a moment. In the play much is made of Hamlet’s indecision, wavering, procrastination, and dithering. DOWNLOAD 10 Project Plan Excel Templates DOWNLOAD 10 Project Plan Excel Templates What Hamlet knew about […]

Why Good Teachers Makes Us Bad Business Writers

Does high school teach us to write in a way that’s counterproductive in the real world? Most high schools teach us to write in a formal, literary style, usually by studying the ‘classics.’ But does this make sense in today’s economy? When you go out and find your first job, what’s the first thing you do? Change […]

7 Case Study Writing Tactics

Do you use case studies to influence prospective customers? My guess is that you do as case studies are one of the most effective ways to soft sell technical products. But are you getting the response you’d expect? If not, then this tutorial will help. Technology Case Study 19 Case Study Templates for only $19.99 […]

How to Write Business Rules

Want to learn how to write business rules? Writing Business Rules should be easy. After all, you’re documenting how the business works, right? This shouldn’t be too hard as you’d assume everyone knows how it works. It’s how they do thing every day. Alas, that’s not always the case. Business Rules Templates (MS Word/Excel) Download these Business Rules […]

12 ways to make your child a better writer

Wish your kids had a passion for writing? Most parents worry about their children falling behind. Maths, writing and science are the three that come up in our house. Like most nervous, first-time parents we tried hard – maybe, too hard – to get our son to read and write. And like most kids he […]

How to Write a Social Media Policy – Part 2

Social media policies create a dilemma for HR. Should it be part of the Employee Handbook or created as a standalone document? As someone who writes social media policies for a living, I’m inclined to recommend the latter. Cross-reference it from the Employee Handbook, so it’s easier to manage as a separate document. Of course, […]