How to Write Abstracts – Part 1

I had planned to call this article ‘The Nine-Step Strategy for Writing Summaries That Intrigue Readers’ but had a second look. It’s a bit long. And as this article is about writing headlines, summaries and abstracts, well… Let’s stick to the plan.

“An abstract highlights the key points you want your reader to remember after they’ve read your document.“

New: Cost Management Plan Templates

This week at Klariti we’re releasing a new set of Cost Management Plan templates. Each section in the MS Word template contains explanatory writing guidelines and sample text to help you get started. In addition to this, we have a new Explainer Guide which explains how to setup and configure the MS Excel spreadsheets. I […]

NEW – Product Design Specification Template

This week Laura and the team created a new Product Design Specification template. This is one of our series of templates related to product development, so if you’re interested in this area, please take a look at the product requirements specs and the user story template.

Using Excel to Organize Acquisition Plans for Startups

Last week I was talking to Laura, a supply chain expert working in Singapore, about an acquisition project she’s involved in. Essentially, she was tasked with helping it expand its operations. They need to quickly acquire new hardware and software for both the existing staff (about 60) and new employees soon to be onboarded (~25). […]