Sometimes looking back gives us a little more perspective.
The Romans were the first to build roads. Real roads. Networks.
They connected Constantinople to Seville and London to Carthage. All paths lead to Rome.
If that isn’t impressive enough some of those roads are still in place today. Think about this. They built the roads over 2,000 years ago and, century after century later, they’re still there… and it gets even more impressive.
What the Romans Taught me About Business Planning
A friend was in Rome last year and was shown the remnants of an ancient road, whose base was still in place. It had been worn aware from thousands of travelers, animals, carts, and cars so that only a thin base remained. But the base was still there.
‘How did it last so long?’
They built for eternity said the tour guide.
Think about this. How many companies can – or could – build something that will last for thousands of years? Or even a hundred? Over fifty?
What’s interesting for me as a small business owner is the idea of legacy.
The idea that instead of building something for short-term gain, look at developing a business that you can hand down to the next generation, who maybe can share it with the next.
It is possible? What do you think?
[Learn more about these Business Plan templates here]