How to Stop MS Word Crashing By Adding Images Correctly

Here’s how to Stop Word Crashing By Adding Images Correctly. Word lets you add images with different file formats into your documents, such as:

  • Enhanced Metafile (.emf)
  • Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
  • Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg)
  • Portable Network Graphics (.png)
  • Microsoft Windows Bitmap (.bmp, .rle, .dib)
  • Windows Metafile Graphics (.wmf)
  • Tagged Image File Format (.TIFF)

This has its advantages but there are also downsides as each type has its own pros and cons.

What file format should I use when inserting images into Word?

Each file format have two main attributes: size and quality.

  • BMPs files are large with low quality.
  • GIFs are smaller with higher quality.
  • PNGs are even smaller and also very high.

The Mistake Most People Make

The mistake most people make is that when they take a screenshot, they paste it directly into Word.

When you do this, Word automatically converts it into a Windows Meta (WMF) file.

That’s a large file size and with relatively poor quality. This is ok if you’re doing a small document that’s not very important. But if you’re doing something over 20 pages that will require printing and converting to other formats, then consider this:

1. Open the image in Microsoft Paint. (Start, All Programs, Accessories, Paint)

2. Save it as a PNG file.

3. In Word, go to Insert, Picture, From File and select the image.

Keep the original image in a dedicated image folder for reference.

Using PNGs instead of BMPs will reduce the size of your documents, improve the output, and make them less likely to crashing.