129 Deadwood Phrases that Kill Good Writing


Reduce the word count and create more space by pruning dead wood phrases, such as:

  1. a majority of – most
  2. a sufficient amount of – enough
  3. according to our data – we find
  4. accordingly – so
  5. accordingly – therefore, so
  6. add an additional –
  7. added – bonus
  8. addressees – you
  9. advance – planning
  10. advance – warning
  11. affirmative – yes
  12. after the conclusion of –
  13. aid and – abet
  14. all-time – record
  15. along the lines of – like
  16. annual – anniversary
  17. anonymous – stranger
  18. armed – gunman
  19. as a matter of course –
  20. as a matter of fact –
  21. as a means of – to
  22. as is the case – as is true
  23. as prescribed by in – under
  24. ascertain the location of – find
  25. assist, assistance aid – help
  26. at a later date – later
  27. at such time as – when
  28. at the present time – now
  29. at the present time – now
  30. at this point in time – now
  31. be deficient in – lack
  32. be in a position to – can, be able
  33. by a factor of two – two times, double, twice
  34. by means of –
  35. come to a conclusion – conclude
  36. commence begin – start
  37. constitutes forms – makes up
  38. continue on –
  39. current trend –
  40. depreciate in value –
  41. despite the fact that – although
  42. due to the fact that – because
  43. during the time that – while
  44. equally as well – as well, equally well
  45. facilitate – help
  46. fewer in number – fewer
  47. for the purpose of – for
  48. for the purpose of to – for
  49. for the reason that – because
  50. for this reason – thus, therefore
  51. give consideration to – consider, examine
  52. give indication of – show, indicate, suggest
  53. happens – to be – am/is/are
  54. has been proved to be – is
  55. heretofore until – now
  56. if conditions are such that – if
  57. implement start – carry out
  58. in a number of – several, many
  59. in accordance with – under
  60. in all cases – always
  61. in case – if
  62. in close proximity to – near
  63. in excess of – more than
  64. in fact
  65. in large measure – largely
  66. in many cases – often
  67. in most cases – usually
  68. in my opinion
  69. in no case – never
  70. in order – to
  71. in order that – so that
  72. in order to – to
  73. in order to – to
  74. in some cases – sometimes
  75. in terms of –
  76. in the amount of – for
  77. in the case of – for
  78. In the event of – if
  79. in the event that – if
  80. in the event that – if
  81. in the field of –
  82. in the near future – soon
  83. in the neighborhood of – near, about, nearly
  84. in the vicinity of – near
  85. in this case – here
  86. in view of the fact that – because, since
  87. initiate begin – start
  88. is capable of – can
  89. is found to be –
  90. is in a position to – can
  91. it has been found that
  92. it has long been known that
  93. it is a fact that
  94. it is evident that
  95. it is interesting to note that – note that
  96. it is noted that
  97. it is our opinion that – we think
  98. it is possible that – perhaps
  99. it is well known that –
  100. it may be said that –
  101. make inquiry regarding – ask about, inquire about
  102. manner in which – how
  103. not with standing the fact that – although
  104. obtain get – gain
  105. on a monthly basis – monthly
  106. on the basis of – from, because, by
  107. on the order of – about, approximately
  108. pertaining to of – about
  109. present in greater abundance – more abundant
  110. prior to – before
  111. provide – give
  112. provided that – if
  113. put an end to – end
  114. reach a conclusion – conclude
  115. related to – of
  116. serves the function of being – is
  117. should it appear that – if
  118. so as to – to
  119. subsequent to – after
  120. such that – so
  121. the question as to – whether
  122. the reason is because – because
  123. there can be little doubt that – probably
  124. unknown – suspect
  125. utilize or utilization – use
  126. very – unique
  127. with reference to – about
  128. with regard to – about
  129. with the exception that – except that

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