My 10 Favorite Novels of All Time

Yesterday one of my friends asked me on Twitter if I still have time to read fiction?  Or do I read business books only? Books are my guilty pleasure, especially the Classics, History and Philosophy. But I still read a ton of fiction. Here are ten of my favorites.

My 10 Favorite Novels of All Time

  1. A Confederacy of Dunces, John Kennedy Toole
  2. At Swim Two Birds, Flann O’Brien
  3. How much land does a man need, Tolstoy
  4. The Red and the Black, Stendhal
  5. Call of the Wild, Jack London
  6. Cujo, Stephen King
  7. Talented Mr Ripley, Patricia Highsmith
  8. Our Man in Havana, Graham Greene
  9. The 3 Stigmate of Palmer Eldritch, Philip K Dick
  10. One hundred years of solitude, Marquez

How about you? What are you reading at the moment?