Service Level Agreement (SLA) Template (MS Word/Excel)

You can use this Service Level Agreement template including 2 pre-formatted templates in MS Word for your next project. Each template has 26 pages of sample material including sections on Scope of maintenance, Financials, Reporting, Terms and Conditions, Service Level Agreement, Expected Growth and Change, and Costs.

You also get 3 free Excel spreadsheets for managing the List of Items covered in the SLA, Budget, and a Contract Directory for keeping track of your Service Providers.

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Service Level Agreement Template : Screenshots

Service Level Agreement – template

SLA Excel Spreadsheets

Service Level Agreement: Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
1.1 General overview
1.2 Scope of maintenance
1.3 Financials
1.4 Key Contacts
1.5 Hours of coverage
1.6 Reporting

2. Terms and Conditions
2.1 Agreement period
2.2 Reviewing the Service Level Agreement
2.3 Renewing the Service Level Agreement
2.4 Maintaining the Service Level Agreement
2.5 Changing the Service Level Agreement
2.6 Changing [Service Provider]2.7 Discontinuing Maintenance
2.8 Service goals
2.9 Failure to meet Terms & Conditions
2.10 [Service Provider] Location
2.11 Maintenance Continuity
2.12 Roles and Responsibilities
2.13 Third Parties
2.14 Project Start-Up

3. Service Level Agreement
3.1 Supported Hardware and Software
3.2 Schedule
3.3 Preventative Maintenance & Scheduled Unavailability
3.4 Non-Scheduled Downtime
3.5 Security
3.6 Reliability Objectives
3.7 Problem Reporting
3.8 Backup and Recovery
3.9 Business Continuation
3.10 Expected Growth and Change
3.11 Application Users and Volume Metrics
3.12 Performance Expectation
3.13 Periodic Review
3.14 Logging Issues
3.15 Tracking Issues

4. Costs
4.1 Cost Schedule
4.2 Pricings per year
4.3 Changes
4.4 Overtime
4.5 Travel Expenses
4.6 Authorized Charges
4.7 Final Problem Resolution
4.8 Method of Payment

5. Signature Page

Product Format & Contents

The templates are in Microsoft Word and Excel format (.docx and .xlsx) and can be downloaded online for only $9.99.

The template pack includes the following documents:

SLA Template #1 26 pages  
SLA Template #2 26 pages  
SLA Items List, Budget, and Contract Directory spreadsheets 3 spreadsheets  

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