Web Writing Tips

Want to start a career as a professional blogger? Read the tutorials, get the templates, watch the videos.

Do these help? What do you want to write about? How can we help you?

How to Write Web Content

Using an Editorial Calendar

Business Blogging Tips

  1. How to Increase Traffic To a Technical Blog
  2. How to Write a Blog Post Every Day
  3. 11 Techniques to Increase Page Views on Your Blog
  4. How to Choose the Best Font for Your Blog
  5. Writer v Blogger: Which One Are You?
  6. 7 Proofreading Tips for Business Blogs
  7. Is Verdana the best font for web writing?
  8. How to choose the best font for your blog
  9. Send Emails to Blogs & Blogs Posts To Email

Content Development

Making Money As a Blogger

How I Make Money Writing White Papers
If you’ve got good writing skills and have in-depth subject matter expertise, you should be able to generate additional income by writing white papers.

9 Ways Freelancer Technical Writers Can Increase Rates
Here are some ways to determine you daily rates if you decide to go freelance.

How I use Twitter to find freelance writing jobs
Want to use Twitter to find freelance writing work? It’s easier than you’d think. Here’s how you can find freelance writing gigs and make a little extra income if you want.

How to Move from 9-5 into Freelance Writing
Not long ago, freelancing was restricted to metropolitan areas where work for writers, artists, and other creative types was easily accessible. Today, the freelance landscape has changed. You can live practically anywhere and maintain a successful freelance career.

How to Increase Your Freelance Writing Work
You can turn your $200 fee to write a press release into $2,000 to carry out an entire PR campaign simply by convincing clients to invest in campaigns, instead of individual assignments. Campaigns achieve better results and cost less in the long-term for clients, compared to individual assignments.

Web Writing Skills

Are you in an abusive relationship with your job?
I grew up in Ireland in the 1970s. We had 20% unemployment. Having a job was everything. This was before the internet, job sites, and LinkedIn.

Mac v PC – Which is the best for writing?
Every writer’s dilemma. Should I use a Mac (silver, cool, sassy) or a PC (grey, practical, and mother of Clippy)?

24 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Writing Blog
If your blog has a technical slant, for example, its target audience is technical writers, analysts, IT architects, or others technical areas, then experiment with these techniques to increase your traffic.

How To Write Faster
What to know how to type faster and get those documents out the door quicker?

How much do freelance writers charge for writing blog posts?
I thought I’d offer this to give you all an idea of the rates per post and per article we’re being quoted.

How to create an Action Plan for Writing
Use this Action Plan template to identify what you plan to accomplish in your business, what you need to prioritize, and how you will share these objectives. This Action Plan template pack includes a 14 page Word template and 7 Excel spreadsheets to organize your planning activities.