How To Automatically Correct Typos in Microsoft Word

In MS Word, you can use AutoCorrect to correct typos, capitalization errors, and misspelled words, as well as automatically add symbols and other formatted pieces of text.

How To Automatically Correct Typos in Microsoft Word

To automatically correct typing mistakes in MS Word, follow these steps:

  1. Click File, Options, then select Proofing.
  2. Select AutoCorrect Options.
  3. In the Replace box, type a word or phrase that you often mistype or misspell – for example, type Micorsoft.
  4. In the With box, type the correct spelling of the word – for example, type Microsoft.
  5. Click Add.

You can also use AutoCorrect to quickly insert symbols that are included in the built-in list of AutoCorrect entries. For example, type (c) to insert (c).

Example of How to Automatically Correct Typos in MS Word

I’m a terrible typist so I rely on autocorrect a lot. More than I should!

You can use the AutoCorrect feature in Microsoft Word to automatically detect and fix:

  • Typos
  • Misspelled words
  • Incorrect capitalization


You can also teach it to add in a block of text.

So, instead of typing,

‘To use this screen, follow these steps’

for example,type ‘’fts’

and it automatically types

‘To use this screen, follow these steps’

for you

Give me another example!

I always type moeny instead of money.

To save me time fixing this by hand, Autocorrect does it automatically. When I type in a mistake it knows how to enter the correct word.

For example, if you type erport plus a space, then AutoCorrect replaces what you have typed with “report.”

Or if you type ‘Teh Executrie summary states’ with a space, AutoCorrect replaces what you have typed with “The Executive Summary states.”

Note: Text included in hyperlinks is not automatically corrected.