Klariti Top 100: Download Most Popular Articles in PDF

Ever wanted to find that article about writing Business Proposals, or using White Papers for Marketing? How about how to write your first Marketing Plan?

Klariti.com now has close to 900 articles. Keeping tabs on these is now always easy, so what I’ve done is start to PDF the most popular articles and drop them into a dedicated folder.

To keep things simple, I’ve called the folder Small Business Resources.

You’ll find articles, tutorials and reference guides in there for software development and social media too. In time, maybe I will take these out and give them their own folder but for now they are all there. Hope that’s ok.

And… if there are articles that you can’t find, drop me a line and I will dig it out.

New Project Management Blog

The plan is to put all the Project Management articles here, so it’s easier for you to find them. I just setup the blog on Sunday so there is nothing there yet. Just an FYI.

That’s it for now. Back to work for me 🙂

PS – if you think I should create new blogs for other topics, please let me know. Ivan