Author Archives: Anthony James

3 Case Study Writing Tactics For First-Time Writers

As mentioned earlier, a case study is a soft-sell sales document. Its role is to highlight your abilities without resorting to market-speak and sales clichés. An effective approach to catch the reader’s attention (who is frequently a potential client) is to explore how the solution helped end-users and the target group.

Have you taken the 2 Minute Isenberg Entrepreneur Test?

Daniel Isenberg on asks if you should you join the millions of people who take the plunge and start their first ventures? He believes that there is a ‘gut level “fit” for people who are potential entrepreneurs.’Internal drivers that compel people to create their own business. To demonstrate this he’s developed a 2–minute Isenberg […]

[VIDEO] How to Sell Expensive Information Products

Getting started with Clickbank is easier than you’d think. In this video, we look at how to get started, setup your account and start selling your first information product. Video: How to Start Selling Information Products with Clickbank Need some help getting started with ClickBank, or taking your sales to the next level? This instructional […]

Case Study: How to Start Writing

Case studies and white papers are very effective tool to promote the benefit of a product or services. Case studies are the first most popular device used to promote the business. If you are planning to write a case study this passage will help you to understand more about this kind of writing.

What Avatar Can Teach You About Project Management

What’s the one thing you enjoyed most in Avatar? For my Project Management friend is was the video logging. Did you notice that the team kept their reports not in Microsoft Word (i.e. on paper) but as video logs.

When trying it out, the protagonist in the movie couldn’t get a handle on it. ‘Don’t worry, you’ll soon get used to it’, was the reply. Well, it worked for them, could it work for you? Here are some of the reasons you might want to consider using video for project management activities.

What You Can Learn From BMW’s Innovation Philosophy

How Would You Re-Define BMW’s Innovation Philosophy? How do you define innovation? Graham Horton has translated BMW’s definition of innovation for those who don’t speak German. I (used to) speak a little German and hope to get the original translation from Graham.

How to Get Rid of a Troll

I have a troll. Do you? Trolls slither over the internet. They start as lurkers, then get brave, creep out and spit things at you. 10 out of 10 trolls feed on attention. Negative or positive – they don’t care. Attention is the oxygen that keeps them going. Here’s the story of how I found my troll and what we may do next?

How Many Hours Per Week Do Technical Writers Spend Writing?

How much time do you spend writing every week? Remember, you have 37.5 hours (I know!) for technical writing every week, but how much is actually spent writing? When I say writing I actually mean developing content, so this includes illustrations, diagrams, publishing etc – whatever goes into the final deliverable.

Why Don’t People Respect the Efforts I Make?

Do you feel loved? Many of us feel unloved and under-valued. We feel we don’t get the respect we deserve. I hear this on LinkedIn and Facebook: “people don’t respect the efforts I make”. Well, if that’s the case, here are a few ways to get more respect and move into a more rewarding career.

How to Collaborate on a Business Proposal

Martha asked me, “I want to put a template or guidelines to my team members as a result of my research about the good way to write a proposal.” One of the problems if you’re new to writing business proposals is where to start, especially if you have to write with a team rather than by yourself. Where do you start?