Category Archives: Business Writing

Top tips for Business Writing. Learn how to write reports, proposals, emails, and other types of writing used to communicate with different audiences. Business writing is a also known as business communication and professional writing.

How to Write a Preface for Technical Documents

Summary: Create a preface for technical documents to describe the scope, contents, and materials referenced in the main document. Does a document need a preface? Not always. Short documents are fine without one. However, longer documents, especially those that have changed over releases will benefit from a preface. From one angle, the purpose of the preface is to set […]

Why Writing Mobile Content is Twice as Difficult as Web Content

Have you noticed the way you read (and work) on your phone is different than on your PC? Size, font, layout are all culprits, but there’s more. Research from the Nielsen Norman Group highlights that short mobile sessions means writers must create mobile friendly content in anticipation of user interruptions, slow download speeds, and user […]

How to write mobile content for Android and iOS

Looking for writing guidelines for mobile devices? With one third of all content now appearing on mobile devices. let’s look at how to develop content that works well on small screens, encourages users to perform tasks, for example, buying something on your website, and also ensures that they come back looking for more! Let’s start […]

129 Deadwood Phrases that Kill Good Writing

Reduce the word count and create more space by pruning dead wood phrases, such as: a majority of – most a sufficient amount of – enough according to our data – we find accordingly – so accordingly – therefore, so add an additional – added – bonus addressees – you advance – planning advance – […]

Video: How to Develop a Better Writing Routine

What’s the difference between a routine and a chore? I think the problem we have with routines is that they feel like a grind. They become a chore. You keep looking for ways to put them off, find loopholes, ways to get out. Here’s a video I put together about it. See if this helps. […]

How to Design a Table Layout

Use tables to help readers understand large amounts of data which otherwise may take several paragraphs to describe. The main parts of a table are: Table number – number every table and use the same numbering format throughout the document. Title – provide a brief but descriptive title. You don’t need to write a complete […]

How can I improve my business writing skills?

Your ability to communicate effectively, persuade others, and motivate teams are influenced by your writing skills. While some people appear to be born great writers, others get there by practice. Let’s look at how you can improve your business writing skills. Set a writing goal Be specific. Decide to improve one area of your business […]

12 Simple Writing Exercises

Summary: If you want to more develop a more efficient writing routine, use the following exercises to warm up and get started faster. Do you find it hard to get started with your writing? Here’s a suggested approach to get started, stay focused, and avoid writer’s block. Location – find a place to start. Like […]

Jane Austen on Persuasion in business writing

Jane Austen “How quick come the reasons for approving what we like.” Want to be a more persuasive writer? A few suggestions: Tap into the reader’s values. Be decisive. Don’t sit on the fence. Force the reader to take sides, hopefully with you Ask the reader a question, often framed as a dilemma. Help them […]