Freelancers – How to Get the Raise You Deserve

What’s the real problem with asking for a raise? After all, you’ve worked hard all year. Why shouldn’t you get a little extra for the hours you’ve put in? Maybe it’s related to guilt, low self-esteem or other factors, such as education, gender or race. In either case, we all know what it’s like to […]

The Lazy Man’s Guide to Action Plans

If you have never written an Action Plan before, you want to know, how do I get started, what needs to go into the Action Plan, and can you show me some samples? In this series of tutorials, I will help you define your Action Plan; give examples to download; show you how to format your MS Word templates.

Request For Proposals: How to Write the Format section

Every Request For Proposal includes a Format section which explains to the bidder how the Business Proposal should be written. After you have written the Request For Proposal and published it, the next step is to wait for contractors to submit bids.

Dumb Money v Smart Money for Business Investments

You finished your Business Plan. Looks good. Checked the Business Case. Close the gaps and made the adjustments. Started to write the Marketing Plan. What next? Like all small businesses you need to make that step from the drawing board (business plan) to the high street and the only way to do this is to get funding.